
Last minute wedding

It usually takes a dozen or so months or even several years from the moment of engagement to the wedding.

It happens, however, that this unique event we want to experience now without months of preparation!

We will prove to you that weddings do not need to be planned 2 years in advance! In the Otrębusy Palace you will prepare everything even in a few weeks!

You will receive free assistance from an individual wedding consultant who will advise you on how to handle key issues at a truly express pace!

Take advantage of our unique last minute wedding ! offer

Advantages of the offer last minute wedding:

  • a chance for an attractive date,
  • rapid organization of the wedding less stress,
  • attractive discount
  • FREE individual wedding consultant,
  • FREE up to 4 rooms hotel for you and your guests!
  • additional attractive discount - for individual pricing during the meeting

Last minute offer you can use it if you plan the event up to up to 6 months from the date of booking .

You can make a reservation after checking the availability of the indicated date.

The promotion applies to wedding receptions for over 100 people.



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